
Rascunhos e Reflexões

Get Faster Results with Purposeful Practice (3/4) | Real English Conversations Podcast

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Amy continues the sequence of episodes focused on the theme of “Deliberate Practice” as a way of accelerating and empowering the learning of other languages instead of the “Naive Practice” where the student studies in a less structured way and without method or quantitative objectives.

Amy explains that many people training or study with generic goals and that it is often difficult to focus on what needs to be improved. For example, a student who wants to improve his “Listening” decides that he will spend every night watching his favorite TV program for 2 hours and in this way, he waits the result happens, so the progress tends to be slow.

Using the same example, Amy suggests a new approach, “Purposeful Practice”, understanding first what you are trying to learn and looking for the correct activities that will enable you to accelerate learning and measure your progress and keeping motivated. In the case of language learning, defining a clear objective that can be measured is not easy, we usually use metrics like TOEFL or IELTS grade, or words per minutes, etc.

Amy suggests that we first need to define what we want to achieve and that this will naturally help inform the activities that need to be done to achieve that goal.

Let’s pretend that we are practicing listening, so there is an audio that we only understand 80%. And the teacher says, now I want you to come back to the next class and you need to be able to understand 97% of this audio without reading the transcript. And the question is how to do that?

In the next episode Amy will give some examples of what she is doing to measure her learning in Spanish.


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